Shared Open Access Publishing Platform

Shared Open Access Publishing Platform

We enable scholarly-led Open Access publishing by providing editors with a platform optimised for editorial workflows and discoverability

Open Access publishing

So that everyone has access and can build upon the work you publish.

Free publishing platform

Based on Open Journal Systems so that you can manage all the editorial process seamlessly from one single platform, from submission to publication.

Tech support

Technical support and advice, including: free journal hosting, free domain name, free DOI registering, own branding, copyright question, document layout…

Improved discoverability

Search engine optimisation, indexation, advice on DOAJ registration and more!


About the project

SOAP2 is a joint project of the University of Fribourg (leading house), the University of Lausanne, the Central and University Library of Lucerne (together with the University of applied sciences of Lucerne), the University of Neuchâtel, and the University of teacher education of the Canton of Vaud. It is sponsored by swissuniversities with a total of CHF 164’400 from 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2023.

The core of the project is an OJS (Open Journal Systems) based publishing platform. OJS is the most used software for journal publishing platforms and Open Source.

Further services will include the setup of journals and the workflows in OJS, advice of editors concerning organization of their work and implementation of Open Access standards, help in case of minor issues with the platform and document formatting and layout. Support may also include establishing and facilitating of journal indexing in general and specific information services.

Services provided

  1. Free journal hosting with own branding and domain name
  2. Free DOI registration with CrossRef
  3. Long term preservation with Portico
  4. Technical support for OJS
    • Journal set up and branding
    • Published content import
    • Workflow set up and management
  5. Technical support and advise for editorial work

Editors remain responsible for the editorial and scientific work.

Project Roadmap

SOAP2 project roadmap

About us

Thomas Henkel

Thomas Henkel
Project Manager
Université de Fribourg

Micaela Crespo

Micaela Crespo
Université de Lausanne

Simone Rosenkrantz
ZHB/Hochschule Luzern

Claude Borgeaud

Claude Borgeaud
HEP du Canton de Vaud

Laurent Gobat
Université de Neuchâtel